Chapter Awards Submission Form
The Arizona HOSA Chapter Awards program recognizes those chapters who have gone above and beyond in terms of leadership, networking, learning opportunities, and work in their community. Please use the form below to submit your evidence in each of the four Core Value categories.
Award Levels:
Bronze - Completed all required chapter paperwork on or before November 1st; Holds a minimum of 5 paid students and 1 paid advisor; Members participate in at least one HOSA-related activity outside of class time; Hold at least 4 meetings per year. Silver - Completes all requirements of Bronze; Completes 2 items from each of the four Core Value Categories Gold - Completes all requirements of Bronze; Completes 3 items from each of the four Core Value Categories Platinum - Completes all requirements of Bronze; Completes 4 items from each of the four Core Value Categories
HOSA Chapter applying for award (include name of school and chapter/program area)
HOSA Chapter Number
Local Chapter Advisor
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Which level award do you believe your chapter reached this year?
Does your chapter already have a Chapter Awards plaque?
Please Select
Yes, we just need the plate this year.
No, this is our first year applying for the award, so we also need the plaque.
Bronze Chapter Award Submission
These items MUST be completed for ALL levels of Chapter Awards.
By selecting YES, you assure that you completed all required paperwork on the Membership Checklist, on or before November 1st of this school year. (Will be verified by the Arizona HOSA office)
By selecting YES, you assure that your chapter has at least 5 paid students, and 1 paid advisor registered in CMS that were entered on or before November 1st of this school year. (Will be verified by the Arizona HOSA office)
Members are required to participate in at least one HOSA-related activity outside of class time. Please describe at least one activity that your members have participated in during this school year, outside of class time
Images and supporting documents are encouraged for the above item. If you have any photos or documents to serve as additional evidence, upload it here.
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Chapters are required to hold at least 4 meetings per school year. List the dates of 4 meetings in the space below.
Supporting documents are encouraged for this item. If you have sign-in sheets and/or meeting minutes for the four chapter meetings listed above, please upload them here.
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If your chapter is applying only for the BRONZE Award, and you have submitted all items, select YES below. If your chapter is applying for any level beyond Bronze, select NO to continue to the next page.
YES, we are only applying for Bronze
NO, take me to the next page!
Silver, Gold, & Platinum Award Submissions
Use the remaining pages on the form to show/submit evidence of the items your chapter has completed during this school year. Items included were designed to reflect the four core values of the HOSA organization, LEARN, LEAD, SERVE, and INNOVATE. A well-rounded HOSA chapter focuses their program of work on these core values and are reflected in this awards program. ~~~~~~~ REMEMBER: 2 items in each category = SILVER; 3 items in each category = GOLD; 4 items in each category = PLATINUM
The items in this category are designed to help those HOSA members LEARN more about various careers, HOSA, and general professional skills. Use the spaces below to submit your chapter's evidence for the items in the LEARN category.
Item 1 - Have at least 25% of your registered members participate in a competitive event. (Evidence to upload - registration summary/summaries with at least 25% of total members participating)
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Item 2 - Invite an SEC member to an event or meeting. (Evidence to upload - photos of SEC member at meeting, or communication between chapter and SEC member including invitation)
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Item 3 - Submit a Pin or Flag design as a chapter, following the established guidelines. (Evidence - list name(s) of students in chapter that submitted a design for either flag or pin design contests.)
Item 4 - Chapter attends Fall Leadership Conference. (Evidence to upload - copy of registration summary or invoice for FLC)
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Item 5 - Chapter creates a budget for the year or for an event. (Evidence to upload - copy of chapter created budget)
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Item 6 - Have a guest speaker or Arizona HOSA alum present at a chapter meeting. (Evidence - identify name and organization of the guest speaker, and include date of meeting attended.)
Additional Evidence Item 6 - Upload a photo of the guest speaker at the chapter meeting, or meeting minutes with guest speaker information. (Upload is optional)
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The items in this category are designed to help those HOSA members learn how to LEAD and develop those leadership skills that will be useful in the future. Use the spaces below to submit your chapter's evidence for the items in the LEAD category.
Item 1 - Have at least 5 members apply for the Individual Membership Award. (Evidence to include - list of names of those chapter members who have applied for Individual Membership Awards and the level reached by each)
Item 2 - Mentor a Middle School chapter. (Evidence to include - Name of middle school chapter and short narrative of what steps were taken to mentor the chapter.)
Item 3 - Have at least one member apply for a HOSA scholarship by the published deadline. (Evidence to include - name(s) of member(s) applied for HOSA scholarship listed below)
Item 4 - Attend Chapter Leadership Camp. (Evidence to upload - copy of registration summary or invoice; photos of chapter members/officers at this year's Camp.)
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Item 5 - Write a letter to a stakeholder or government official, advocating for HOSA and CTE. (Evidence to include - Identify who/where the letter was sent)
Additional Evidence for Item 5 - Upload a copy of the letter written by chapter members here.
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Item 6 - Participate in HOSA Week -- either during National HOSA Week, or during a week declared as HOSA Week on local campus -- with on-campus activities. (Evidence to include - Short narrative about what was done on campus each day during HOSA week. Identify the dates HOSA Week was celebrated on campus.)
Additional Evidence for Item 6 - Photos of activities held on campus during HOSA Week.
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The items in this category are designed to provide HOSA members with the opportunity to SERVE, both on their campus and in their commmunity. Use the spaces below to submit your chapter's evidence for the items in the SERVE category.
Item 1 - Have members participate in either the Barbara James Service Award (50 total hours minimum), HOSA's National Service Project (50 total hours or $50 total minimum), or Donate Life AZ High School Challenge. (Evidence to include - total number of hours or dollars raised/accumulated by all chapter members combined. *Arizona HOSA office will verify via HATS)
Item 2 - HOSA members advocate for HOSA to campus/district staff, or district level governing board at a meeting, during or after school hours. (Evidence to include - Short narrative of advocacy performed by chapter, including dates/times of meeting or event.)
Additional Evidence for Item 2 - Upload photos of HOSA members participating in campus or district level meeting to advocate for HOSA. (Upload is optional)
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Item 3 - Chapter has one student apply AND be slated for an officer position on the AzHOSA SEC. (Evidence to include - Name of student applied and slated for SEC)
Item 4 - Chapter has one team enter a submission for the Emotional Well-Being Challenge following the published guidelines. (Evidence to include - names of students on the team for the Emotional Well-Being Challenge)
Item 5 - Chapter advocates, volunteers, or fundraises for an organization directly related to their CTE program/pathway. (Evidence to include - Short narrative about the activity, including what organization was selected and why.
Additional Evidence for Item 5 - Upload photos of HOSA members participating in activity for Item 5. (Upload optional)
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Item 6 - Chapter hosts or attends a community service event that 50% of the chapter's members attend or participate in. (Evidence to include - short narrative about the activity/event; number of students that participated in the activity)
Additional Evidence for Item 6 - Upload photos of members participating in event. (Upload optional)
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Statement of Assurance - (To be completed by chapter advisor) By typing your FULL NAME below, you verify that all of the above information is correct and that the submitted items were completed by your chapter members during the 24-25 school year.
The items in this category are designed to teach HOSA members to INNOVATE, creating new ways to learn and prepare for a future career in healthcare. Use the spaces below to submit your chapter's evidence for the items in the INNOVATE category.
Item 1 - Chapter has a team compete in Medical Innovation at the chapter's Regional Conference. (Evidence to include - list names of students on the Medical Innovation team)
Item 2 - Chapter submits an article to the Synapse or HOSA E-Magazine. (Evidence to upload - Copy of the article submitted. Be sure to include the date the article was submitted.)
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Item 3 - Chapter partners with another class or organization on campus for a cross-curricular activity. (Evidence to include - Short narrative about the activity, including which other program was involved, goals/outcomes of the activity, who participated, etc.)
Additional Evidence for Item 3 - Upload photos of cross-curricular activity on campus. (Upload optional)
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Item 4 - Promote a chapter activity or campaign on the chapter's social media account, tagging AzHOSA in the campaign/posts. (Evidence to upload - screenshots of social media posts including dates and short descriptions or captions for posts included)
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Item 5 - Chapter members present at a CTE program Advisory Council meeting, focusing on how their program is helping them to prepare for their future careers. (Evidence to upload - Minutes of Advisory Council meeting, including date/location of meeting; photos of presentation by HOSA chapter members.)
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Item 6 - Chapter assembles/displays a bulletin board on their campus, featuring information about the relevant career pathway associated with their CTE program. (Evidence to upload - photos of bulletin board with a short description of the display and names of members that helped to contribute to the project)
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Use this space to upload any additional evidence or documentation for any of the Chapter Award Items.
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